Monday, May 25, 2009

Not Buying It

I'm starting a new weekly update called Not Buying It. I 'stole' it from this blog, and I think she got it from someone else, etc etc. Please feel free to take it and run with it, and to add things that you aren't buying in the comments section.

Clothing: I have been losing weight, therefore some of my clothes don't fit. I hopped over to Goodwill and bought 3 pants, 1 dress and 1 skirt and a top for $27.
Food: Cooking has been minimal, for example: grilled chicken and a veggie. I have been making our own bread, the recipe I found on Mother Earth News is to DIE for.
Household: I've been trying to use the wash-and-reuse food storage containers more than the use-and-pitch ziplock bags.
Utilities: No heat and less electricity for summer. AC hasn't been installed yet, we're relying on the monster window fans.

Gifts: I bought a Wintergreen plant for a neighbor.
Exercises/Self-Improvement: Loads of garden work.
Home and Garden: Garden is going, see the garden blog. Broccoli is almost ready to harvest, as are some of the heads of lettuce. Spinach, too. Logs that were laying around have been cut up into **3000** board feet of lumber and timbers that we will use on the garage.
Weaknesses: We did go for takeout on Thursday.

Purging: While at Goodwill I also dropped off 3 Xerox boxes of stuff, 2 of clothes and 1 of housewares, miscellaneous stuff. I have a goal of cleaning out the kitchen cupboards by the end of May, and I only have 1 week left so I'd better get cracking.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm baaaaaack.

I'm going to eek back into this blog, but it will be taking a slightly different turn.

In other news, at work on Friday we found out that our current company will be unable to bid on our contract this year due to the fact that they are too big. This means that a) they will have to find a smaller company to sub-contract with, or (most likely) b) we will be working for a new company October 1st. Best case scenario is that we all get picked up by the new company. Worst case is that only some or none of us do. If you want more detail than this, let me know. Surprisingly I found all the oh-fish-ul information and technical documents online, including the list of *25* companies that are interested in bidding. Ain't the internet grand?

Tuesday, May 05, 2009