Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Max's Trip to the Beach, part 2

Then, mom wanted me to come with her. Away from the water! Why do we have to go away from the water!?! I like the water!I followed dad a bit helping look for rocks, shells, and beach glass.There were a LOT of dead horseshoe crabs all over! I didn't like how they smelled, so I stayed away from them. My people were really surprised at this!

Can you see the side-crawling crab? I couldn't! It is really well camouflaged.
We found a crab shell that looked like a cheetah!
And I walked out on some wave breaks. Mom kept my leash on this whole time, can you believe it!

I've still got my leash on! Why won't she take the leash off? Was she scared I was going to jump in? I wouldn't think of jumping in! Hmm....I wonder what would happen if I jumped in?AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Look what we found!!! Mum called it serendipity, but I thought it was just a pail.
Wait until part 3, where I find something stuck in a wave break!!!! OH BOY!!!!


Angie said...

These photos are just too cute for words. Thanks for sharing!

By the way, that leopard patterned shell was gorgeous.

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Max, those are really cool pictures! Your mom should take you back there more often. :)

Sam & June

Me voici ∞ Here I am said...

Lovely tale of a dog and his people.