Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Work Photos, Part 1

I was going through the 'My Pictures' file on my work computer the other day and decided to share some of the pictures I've saved over the years. These are (mostly) pictures from news stories that struck my fancy for whatever reason. I sometimes peruse through them and get a laugh because they are so random.

This photo is from the Lebanon/Israel conflict that happened a few years ago. This shows the Lebanese(?) troops and their...pack llama. Assault llama? Whatever, I thought it was funny:

This shows South Korean soldiers playing in what I'm pretty sure is some aqueous firefighting foam:

Sometimes I'll caption photos. This is the woman who was the Secretary of Education under Bush II at the news conference after her appointment. I caption this photo: do the hokey-pokey and you turn yourself around...." But I love her glasses:
This is a photo of a terrorist and the bombing that he was supposedly responsible for. A very serious subject. I don't get why people don't really look a the pictures they publish for serious topics. This one looks to me like: do-do! Gotta sing!!!

I saved this pic to use as my desktop in October:

Sunset in Afghanistan:

A crab-looking spider:

One of my coworker's daughters spent some time working in Yemen. She took this picture. I think it was in Yemen, but she did travel a bit so it could have been somewhere else:

I saw this ad in a local paper online, and I just giggle every time I read the job title:

Stay tuned for part 2!


Angie said...

(1) "Larry the Llama was promptly taken into police custody after spitting on the Israeli prime minister."

(2) "Pandemonium reigned in the streets of Seoul today after South Korean meteorologists created the first kimchi-flavored snowfall."

(3) If you ask me, it looks like the former Secretary of Education is showing off her new manicure to the press corps.

(4) "Whew! I've blown holes in my boxers, but never in the side of a ship before! Gotta lay off the chili con carne!"

(5) What a beautiful photo. That toad looks like he holds the wisdom of the ancients. Ribbit.

(6) What a gorgeous, primal sunset!


(8) ???

(9) Must ... resist ... urge to make dirty jokes ...

Me voici ∞ Here I am said...
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Me voici ∞ Here I am said...

(1) I thought the Llama was the leader. He seems to know where they should be going.

(2) "That's hot." - Paris Hilton.

(3) "Simma dah nah" or "We need to lower the bar to achieve high"

(4) Yes, I was thinking similar. Isn't that the cover to his debut album, "Death to America"?

(this is where I got ahead of myself and posted an incomplete entry)

(5) It reminds me of Hypnotoad from Futurama.

(6) agrees with Speaker.

(7) creepy and cute

(8) ::nods:: "Snake Hut, 4 km"

(9) The only job that Colossus from the X-men could ever apply to in the real world.