Sunday, August 09, 2009

A Few Max Stories and Photos

First, to get us started, a nice action shot of Max shaking after his most recent bath.

Next, a story of Sir Max vs. The Dragon. Yes we have a dragon in the house.

Matthew was on-call a couple weeks ago and, wouldn'tcha know, he got called out on Sunday night. Max and I went on up to go night-night, and I was pretty much asleep when Matthew got home. Max ran downstairs to greet him, though. Matthew let Max outside, then Max went and got a drink of water. Matthew plugged in his phone, turned out the downstairs lights, and then came upstairs.

Max was still downstairs, though. For some reason, Max decided to access the stairs by way of the back of the sofa, which he has done hundreds of time before. I don't know what made this time different, but he fell. It sounded like *scrabble*whump*clackity clackity clackity clackity*crash*boom*

Max fell directly on Dragon.

Dragon is the Kirby vacuum cleaner. Max HATES Dragon. We don't chase him with it, but he just doesn't like it.

What makes it worse is Max hit his lip on the way down and skinned it. It was bloody and he kept licking it....for an hour and a half. It's not loud, more like a constant lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick. Try getting to sleep during THAT.

But it was so cute, after we heard the scrabble*whump, Matthew (who was in a state of undress) ran down the stairs in his underwear yelling "MAX!! MAX!!! ARE YOU OK MAX?!?! I'M COMING, MAX!!" and then came back up holding our shaken dog and cooing to him.

We were next door recently feeding beet greens to the neighbor's pheasants, and Max wanted to keep an eye on us so he climbed up on the outside plant stands that Matt built.

Double aww....


Me voici ∞ Here I am said...

Double aw, indeed.

The cats hate the vacuum too. Hell I hate the vacuum.

Jody M said...

I also hate the vacuum.

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Oh, that poor Max.
But aaawwww at Matt and Max.

Angie said...

Poor Max! I hope his lip is healing well.

My birds don't like the vacuum, as they look frightened or annoyed inside their cages whenever I run it. I think it's a universal dislike among pets.