Thursday, January 07, 2010

In other news…

…I’m working harder at getting another job. I have several in mind and I hope to get the e-paperwork together this weekend to submit. The one I’m seriously hoping for is with Fish & Wildlife Service (Dept. of the Interior) in Shepherdstown, West-by-God-Virginia. It is about an hour commute, but it is more money and most importantly IT ISN”T WHERE I’M AT NOW. There are a couple others with Custom & Border Protection that are about the same distance, but I really want the FWS job.

All good thoughts, wishes, prayers, etc, that you can send my way with this would be much appreciated. I’m going crackerdog where I am now. It’s well past time to move on.

Please also be sure to read and comment on the post below, I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on the situation...


Angie said...

Some full-time positions will be opening up at my workplace in the coming weeks. I'll send them along if an internal candidate is not found.

What kind of positions are you looking for?

Mama Pea said...

I say more power to you for choosing to not stay in a work situation where you're unhappy! There's a lot to be said for being proactive. You go, girl. Sending best wishes for a new, exciting, stimulating, happy job opportunity! Keep us all updated.