Friday, February 05, 2010

Stuck On You

Looks like we're going to get whumped on again. Last I heard yesterday was anywhere from a foot to two feet or more of snow, plus gusts of 30mph which would lead to blizzard-like conditions.

Now, we are expected to work out our shift today and we are open until 5pm. Snow is supposed to start anywhere from 10am through 2pm. Which means there is a good chance I'm not going home tonight.

Fortunately they have dorm space for us. I'm packing a 2-day bag.

Hooband isn't happy about this. I warned him Wednesday night that I might stay over.

(unhappy look from Hooband).

"Dear, if it comes down to me not getting home safe, I'm going to stay. I *want* to come home, you know!"

(less unhappy look from Hooband).

"Of course, there are worse things than getting snowed in with 300 firefighter on Super Bowl weekend."

(VERY unhappy look from Hooband).

"Oh, dear, I'm just kidding. I'll take my crocheting, and a good book, and probably go to sleep early."

(Hooband looks a little happier about the whole thing).

"Unless I grab the three bottles of wine I have stashed in the trunk. Then, who knows??"

He knows I'm kidding on this one. I actually have a sled stashed in the trunk. THAT would be a blast, sledding on campus with firefighter?

I'll let you know. I'll bring the camera.


Me voici ∞ Here I am said...

::jody packs a couple of gorgeous, tight-fitting sweaters and a romance novel::

::hooband's lower lip quivers::


Mama Pea Quilts said...
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Angie said...

They wouldn't let workers leave early? With a BLIZZARD approaching? How insensitive.