Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Implanon: the Arm Preservative

Well, I got my new arm-stick yesterday. I'm still kinda freaked out a little, it is poking at me and itchy. I actually called the doctor this morning to tell them about it and ask what's going on, but they said with the amount of swelling that I have (normal) that I need to wait at least a week to see if it goes down. The way he explained it sounds perfectly fine, but it still is freaking me out.

For the ones of two readers that did not already hear the story:
I went in yesterday morning for my 10:30 appointment, they took me in right on time. Carrie, one of the Physicians Assistants (PA) was to do the deed. They made me take off my shirt and put on a gown. Carrie gave me a numbing shot while the nurse (?) kept watch over me. They gave it a minute to numb up, then they started the insertion. I DID NOT watch, I kept my mind on breathing because if I didn't I would forget and pass out. (this is common with people getting tattoos, too. When I got mine, the tattoo artist said she had people pass out all the time: not because of pain, but because they forgot to breath).

Carrie told me my skin was very tough. Great. They actually take the applicator and use it to push through the skin and make a channel. They then insert the stick by twisting the applicator, and the stick itself is supposed to 'catch' and stay put. Note my use of the words 'supposed to.' Yes, you heard right: it didn't stay put.

So she did it again (after asking me if I minded. Are you kidding?) And it still didn't stay put. She sent the nurse for Dr. Oh, who was the only MD there who had done these as well. And they looked at the applicator, and then he tried. And it STILL didn't stay put (so now we are 0/3).

Everyone kept telling me I was a trooper. I couldn't feel anything. They asked if they could try once more and I said sure, this is getting to be old hat. Laughs all around. Ha ha. No, wait. Ha ha ha.

They tried again and it still didn't take. They sent the nurse for another one while they fiddled and played with the applicator, which they thought was defective. They tried with the second one and THAT ONE DIDN'T TAKE EITHER. Can you believe this? Still can't feel anything.
They tried one more time with the 2nd applicator and it finally took. The Doc felt for the stick, and Carrie felt for the stick and they looked at each other and the doc said.....
Wait for it.....
"They're both in there."
Yes. Somewhere along the line the first one DID deploy and then the 2nd one deployed and omigod I have *2* arm sticks in my arm. The doc did get one out, so I only have one now. But it is making itself known and is pokey and itchy and slightly painful.
So there's my arm stick story. I'm really hoping it is only swelling causing it to push like that, I really don't want to go and get it out and get another one, because they can't adjust it once it's out of the applicator. I also have a lot of bruising, but considering what i went through I guess that's normal.
I'm actually dealing better with this than most women would, I think. I'm not really freaking out, but I am a bit worried. And I think many women would be freaking out from yesterday's 2/6 record.

1 comment:

Me voici ∞ Here I am said...

Love the title! Such mystery!

As I said, I'm sure once the swelling goes down you'll be fine.

I know you did a lot of research on it. Were there any stories from other women about the initial days symptoms physical or otherwise?